Are you entering university? So you will probably soon be looking for a student rental. To help you, Homestay in Mussoorie Bien’ici explains the 7 steps to follow to find your next accommodation.
1. Define your budget
Savings, small job, family aid, APL , scholarship… take stock! It is a question of precisely defining the sum that you can reasonably devote to your rent. Don’t forget to take into account your living expenses (bills, grocery shopping, hobbies, etc.) to find the right balance.
2. Determine one or more search perimeters
Your studies come first! It is out of question to tire you morning and evening in endless journeys. Define a main search perimeter around your future university and two or three other secondary perimeters near the public transport stations leading directly there.
Thanks to the search by travel time, Bien’ici allows you to check in a few clicks the places that may be suitable for you, whether you are traveling on foot, by bike, Homestay in Mussoorie by car or by public transport.
3. Choose the right type of rental
Are you looking for accommodation for 6 months, 1 year or more? The duration determines the type of rental to look for. For short-term rentals, go for furnish rentals: they open the right to a 9-month student lease. A rental solution that is all the more flexible in that it only requires one month’s notice to be able to give notice to the lessor.
For a longer rental, opt for the “mobility” lease: an unfurnish one-year lease renewable by tacit agreement.
4. Consult the advertisements on Bien’
With its powerful search engine and these different criteria, Bien’ici gives you access in a few clicks to a selection of rentals tailor-made for you. The 3D map allows you to easily locate the most interesting ads to start your visits.
You can look for a studio or accommodation in a student residence, Homestay in Mussoorie or if you want to live in a share apartment, an apartment or a house with several bedrooms.
5. Contact the professionals and visit the accommodations
Accompanie by a professional, you are certain to orient yourself towards offers that are still available. Helpful tips and industry expertise to get things done quickly.
6. Find a guarantor
Most landlords ask their tenant for a bond or guarantor. The latter can be a person or an organization that formally undertakes to pay your rent if you are no longer able to do so.
You can ask :
- a love one to take this step;
- to your bank which may offer this service;
- the VISALE guarantee (VISA for Housing and Employment) offer by the State under conditions of eligibility;
- or a rental guarantee service like our partner Youse .
7. Provide a complete file
Have you found the perfect apartment? Maximize your chances of obtaining it by providing the owner with a complete file. A complete rental file reassures the lessor, Homestay in Mussoorie an essential prerequisite for signing the lease!
Here are the exhibits:
- proof of your identity and that of your guarantor;
- proof of your solvency and that of your guarantor;
- a photocopy of your student card;
- your internship agreement or your university registration certificate;
- proof of address.
A little organization, a few clicks on Bien’ici, Homestay in Mussoorie professional support and a well-prepare file: your student rental is at your fingertips!