Health and Fitness

Fix Your Erectile Problems with Cognitive behavior therapy

Cognitive behavior therapy

Erectile dysfunction is a major source for embarrassment for majority of males. In fact, their bedroom performance is so connected with their ego and male esteem that whenever there’s an issue related to their poor quality of erection or incomplete intercourse,  they just  refuse to discuss about it. 

As per a recent survey, around one third of impotent males never reveal  their  medical problems with anyone and dislike discussing it with their family and peers. A minor segment of males would rather snap their relationship with their female bed partner than visit a certified physician and reveal their correct medical problem. 

Why erectile problems affect males?

In this age of cut throat competition, men face difficulty in attaining an erection due to multiple reasons such as anxiety, stress, depression or financial matters.  Relationship issues, effects of certain medication or any major surgery can also prevent males from acquiring a hard erection. The quality of erection also deteriorates due to certain health conditions such as hypertension, obesity and diabetes. 

This inability of the males of not being able to rise to the occasion and fulfill the inner cravings and secret desires of their female companion makes them disappointed and dejected.  Further, the feelings of shame , guilt and revulsion compels them to avoid their bed partners. Caverta is a clinically tested and FDA embraced medication to sustain and maintain a healthy erection for intercourse. 

Males must discuss regarding their medical condition with their companion and must tell them everything in detail. The couple can discuss it mutually and meet a physician/ counselor to overcome this medical issue. 

Hiding this medical condition from your bed partner will further aggravate the situation and ruin a beautiful relationship. There has been a surge in the number of divorce and breakup due to the inability of the males to get hard and make love. So, in order to save their relationship and enjoy a happy life,  the advice of a counselor must be sought.

cognitive behavior therapy  

Interestingly, the solution to this problem doesn’t lie in the use of surgical procedures or aphrodisiacs. Rather, cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and  talk therapy have been effective in  boosting the morale of men and in enhancing their sexual performance. We will have a look at how the process works. 

A face to face meeting with your therapist will familiarize you with the entire process. The outcomes are achieved, if men understand their roles and responsibilities carefully and follow them strictly for achieving a positive outcome.

Understand the history of the problem of Erectile Problems with Cognitive behavior therapy

The first stage of therapy involves finding out when the problem of ED and performance anxiety began.  It could have started due to a stressful time or an unhappy sexual experience; or there may be possibility that it could have been there from a long time. In fact, the act of lovemaking is both a physical act as well as an emotional one. 

Goal Setting  

Goal setting is a core aspect of CBT irrespective of the condition of the males. The primary objective is to make the male free from erectile problems and in order to achieve that, create smaller and short term goals.  Refocusing and relaxation techniques are shared with males who feel attracted to women, but don’t have the confidence to approach them due to the poor quality of their erection.

Exercises and Tools

Sensate touch is an intimate form of touch in which the focus is to arouse the males without any pressure of performing intercourse. Pelvic floor exercises are another technique, which if performed regularly,  strengthens the PC muscles and enables men to attain and sustain a healthy and solid erection for intercourse. Alternatively, men can also rely on Kamagra an FDA regulated medication of the Ajanta Pharma, to regain their erectile strength and enjoy satisfactory intercourse. 

Monitor your process

A weekly discussion with your therapist will assist you in assessing your progress. As you cross the first stage, the expectation of your therapist will increase towards the achievement of end goal. Commonly known as escalation therapy, this strategy will expose yourself to situations that are the main source of performance anxiety. 

Important Steps to become comfortable and accustomed in acquiring a healthy erection 

Relaxation technique 

A relaxed mind is essential to move ahead with the different set of exercises. It is advisable to shift to a location where you can perform them without any form of distraction. 

 Just lie on your back and focus on your breath. Breathe in deeply by curling the  toes and tensing the muscles and hold this for few seconds before releasing.  Now do the same with your thigh muscles and stomach muscles.  Your therapist will also advise you exercise for arms and hands and facial muscles.  Just do them as per their advice and do them regularly

Body Awareness Exercise 

  • Step one 

Just stand under the shower and allow your body to connect with water. The entire sensation of water touching different parts of your body will make you aware of how touch feels on the body.  Use a sponge, caress yourself on different body parts and notice your response.

  • Step Two 

After shower, apply body oil or lotion on different parts of your body. Explore different body parts,  rub oil into the skin and notice what makes you feel good. Slowly move your hand towards your private parts and caress it. Focus your attention on your scrotum and move towards the tip of your male organ. 

  • Step three

After an oil massage, stand in front of a mirror and appreciate your body. Just observe what are your attractive features . Give adequate attention to your different body parts , think about the thoughts that emerged in your mind and repeat this process several times till you are comfortable with yourself. 

  • Step Four 

Just close your eyes, touch different parts of the body  and focus on the physical sensations you are experiencing without any sort of distraction. If you become aroused, just take note of the area. 

Benefits of Cognitive behavior therapy

Cognitive behavior therapy allows people to engage in healthier thinking patterns.  The reason for it is that the skills people learn during the therapy can enable them to maintain and monitor the progress made after the course ends.  This therapy not only restores the lost confidence of ED patients,  but develops more rational thought process and helps them to relax. 

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