Travel and Leisure

Wind & weather forecast Fairy Meadows

The best time to go Fairy Meadow

The ideal time for visiting Fairy Meadow in Pakistan is between May and September in which you’ll enjoy a pleasant temperature as well as only a few raindrops. The temperature that is the highest the Fairy Meadow is 26degC in July and the lowest is four degrees Celsius in the month of January.

Fairy Meadow has the continental climate that prevails. If you’re interested in knowing the average temperature within Fairy Meadow or when most precipitation (rain or snow) is falling, you can get a quick overview of Fairy Meadow below. So, you’re adequately prepared. Our monthly average climate data is based upon data from the last 30 years.

Climate Fairy Meadow

Fairy Meadow has the continental climate dominant. In summer, it’s dry and warm, while in winter, it’s cold and humid. The average temperature of Fairy Meadow is 16deg degrees and it receives 437 millimetres of rain the course of a year. Fairy Meadow is dry for 174 days of the year, with an average humidity of 50% and a UV-index of 3.vMaking an inventory of the things that you will need to remember when planning your travels on the tour of Fair Meadows or other Northern Territories is an essential and crucial task prior to leaving home.
In this list, you will find an umbrella, raincoat, an insulated jacket, pair of sturdy shoes and a woolen hat gloves, socks for extra along with a few shirts and pants, a first aid kit, and the essential medication you can find these days. It is essential to use it due to the illness. It is also beneficial to carry a few things to use for personal u

The Fairy Meadows track one of the world’s dangerous roads. hazardous roads

Fairy Meadows Pakistan is one of the most captivating tourist destinations, and it draws tourists and travelers from all over the world however its risky mountains road brings excitement to the area. There are many unsafe roads throughout Pakistan take travelers to stunning locations, including the Fairy Meadows track is among those roads. Fairy Meadows Heart-wrenching journey begins at the The Karakoram highway’s Rakhiot bridge, which leads travelers towards Tato Village. The rocky gravel mountain roads is a risky road, and is accessible to locals only. Locals are responsible for providing transportation to travelers.

o trek to Fairy Meadows, and the hike takes 3-4 hours. Fairy Meadows is grassland that is located within the Valley of Rakhiot, and specifically the precise location is located at the bottom of the Rakhiot glacier. Rakhi glaciers start at the Nanga Parbat and feature a stunning stream that flows into the Indus River. Fairy Meadows night view is amazing as locals have begun the camping services in the area.

Fairy Meadows Cottages at Bunar Das is operational now. It is located 30 minutes away from Chilas and is located just before Raikot Bridge. It is a wonderful experience to be able to enjoy the hospitality from Fairy Meadows Cottages ‘ management, which has 20 gorgeous rooms.Fairy Meadow has the continental climate dominant. In summer, it’s dry and warm, while in winter, it’s cold and humid. The average temperature of Fairy Meadow is 16deg degrees and it receives 437 millimetres of rain th

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