
  • TechMSBI Online Training

    What are the three different tools of MSBI?

    Introduction Business intelligence is the process of collecting raw data from a data source, transforming it into usable data, and using it to create reports and explanatory visuals for data analysis. It enables us to visualize critical information through graphs, charts, maps, KPIs, etc. Though there are multiple business intelligence tools, MSBI (Microsoft Business Intelligence) is a comprehensive suite solution…

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  • ServicesArtificial Intelligence online training

    Why You Should Choose Artificial Intelligence as a Career Option?

    Introduction Artificial Intelligence is a field of technology that aims to design machines in such a way that they resemble human-like intellect. It is a comprehensive field that combines logic, mathematical models, and computer systems to prepare a prototype that can interpret complex environments. It has a wide application area and also works in correlation with Machine Learning to design…

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  • ServicesFull Stack Developer

    Full Stack Development: Why Is It a Good Career Choice?

    Introduction Full Stack Development is a programming process that involves developing algorithms for both the server side and client side of the application. It is the process of creating a comprehensive architecture for the user interface, backend, and database. The popularity of Full Stack Development is so immense that it is one of the foremost fields that programmers chose when…

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  • ServicesGoogle SketchUp

    What Is Google SketchUp| Benefits of Using It?

    To begin with, SketchUp is a 3D design software that facilitates 3D modeling for everyone. In addition, it is useful in a variety of 3D modeling projects such as architectural, interior design, landscape architecture, and video game design. This design tool has applications in various fields such as architectural, interior design, civil and mechanical engineering. Products Of SketchUp There are…

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  • Uncategorized

    Comparison between Business Analytics & Data Science

    Introduction Business analytics is the skills, technologies, and practices that obtain information and business planning. Mainly, it focuses on developing a new business performance that is based on data & statistical methods. In the present scenario, the procedure plays an important role to upward your business financier & some of the candidates are showing their interest in Business Analytics Training…

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