
Seven Steps To Optimise Your Google Shopping Feed?

Google Shopping is frequently the most profitable component of ecommerce Google Ads accounts. Many marketers spend a lot of time and energy optimizing what they can see in Google Ads but frequently overlook the feed, which is a crucial component of a Shopping campaign.

A well optimized feed can assist increase click-through rates and guarantee that your products are highly relevant for the search phrases that are most appropriate for them. A good feed will also make it simpler to develop an effective Shopping marketing framework “PPC In Digital Marketing”.

While there are numerous things you may take into consideration while optimizing a feed. Here are seven places to start your research. Visit our Google Shopping campaign page and get in touch with us to see how we can help if you need assistance optimizing your Google Shopping feed.

  1. Verify the feed for errors

Making sure that there are no errors in your stream is a good place to start. A spelling mistake in your advertisement might make it appear amateurish and could cause the click to go to your rival instead of you.

What to look for includes the following:

Spelling errors

Grammatical errors

Erratic use of capitalization

Information in the feed that is inconsistent, such as when the wrong color is stated in the description.

Incorrect picture

Misleading delivery data.

Inaccurate cost.

The description contains incorrect technical facts.

  1. Improve the Title the title is undoubtedly the second most noticeable element of your advertisement that a consumer is going to see after the image (and possibly after the price). This makes it a crucial component of your advertisement to optimize.

Although Google may truncate titles if they don’t fit in the space it allots, the maximum character length for the title is 150 characters. Therefore, ensure that the words in your title that are the most crucial are front-weighted.

Specific product information, such as the brand, size, color, material, gender, etc., should be included in the title.

Create a template title for each of your goods because include this information can cause some of your titles to be truncated. Then, test several title orders to discover which one performs the best.

Here is an example of a clothing order that you could place:

Brand, gender, kind of product, color, size, and material

Depending on your specialization and where you fall in your sector, you may want to add information to your title in a different order. You might decide not to insert the brand at the beginning of the title, for instance, if the brand you sell isn’t a designer or highly sought-after brand.

If you’re marketing a budget product, you might determine that some other details go at the beginning of the title. On the other hand, if you only sell wedding attire, you can decide to place the word “wedding” right at the beginning of the title.

This is due to the fact that including the word “wedding” will make it more likely that your ad will appear for searches containing the word. Additionally, the word “wedding” in the title will prevent customers who are not seeking for wedding attire, reducing wasteful spending.

3. Image optimization

Most users will focus on the image of your advertisement first. This makes it a crucial component of your ad to optimize in order to raise the click through rate of your ad. Here are some basic ways to optimize your images:

Use high quality images — it goes without saying that you should use high-quality images.

Image matches color of product variant — make sure that the image matches the color of the product. Don’t use a blue variant for all of the color variants within a product for example.

Differentiate image to a competitor’s — be creative and make your images different to your competitor’s images, especially if you sell the exact same product. This will help to make your ad stand out and may help to increase the click through rate of your ad. You may choose to do this by showing your image in a different angle or switching between a lifestyle or non-lifestyle image.

4. Optimize the Product Description

Perhaps the least important suggestion in this list is to work on your descriptions. I like to make sure that the description contains all relevant information about the product that a user may find interesting if they wanted to find out more.

The maximum character length for a description is 5,000, but that doesn’t mean that you should write 5,000 characters. I would aim for around 500 to 750 characters. I don’t think people will be likely to want to read much more than that.

5. Use the right Google Product Category

Adding a Google Product Category doesn’t appear to be as important to get relevant results as it used to be, but it can still help. Despite it being an optional field in your feed, I would recommend adding a Google Product Category to all of your products.

A Google Product Category is not created by the marketer. Instead, Google has a set of product categories that you can choose from. You can find a list of all of the product categories that you can choose from in Google’s Product Taxonomy list.

When selecting a Google Product Category for each of your products, choose the most granular product category that is relevant to your product. So, for example, if you sell suits, then you may want to opt for the below Google Product Category for your products:

Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Suits

However, keep an eye on the more granular google product categories. So, for any pantsuits, skirt suits, and tuxedos that you sell, Google has a product category that is a little more granular that you can use.

6. Improve your campaign structure with labels

Labels are an additional optional column that you can fully customize by adding whatever content you want. Each product can have up to four labels, which means you’re able to add four pieces of extra information with each product.

Google Ads allows for product and campaign structures to be segmented by label. This makes Labels a very powerful feature, allowing you to segment products in various ways so that you can bid differently on them. Here are some ideas on how you could choose to segment your products using labels so that you can bid differently on each particular segment:

Sale and non-sale items.

Price groups (e.g. all £1-£99 value products grouped together and all £100 – £199 value products grouped together).

Best seller, average sellers and poor sellers — group products by how well they sell.

Seasonal products — group products by the season that they sell well in.

High, medium and low profit margin — group products by the extent of the profit margin.

  1. 7. Utilize Merchant Promotions

Part of optimizing a feed is about putting your best message out there to entice as many of the right people as possible. If you have any discount codes or other offers, then you may be able to show them within your Shopping ad. Using Merchant Promotions helps to get your offers out there, which will most likely result in a higher click through-rate and a higher conversion rate.

I find that discount codes on Merchant Promotions work well in niches that are highly discount oriented, like sofas and bathroom products.

I’ve also had success increasing the average order value by offering a discount to people who spend a certain amount above the client’s average order value.

If you don’t have Merchant Centre Promotions in your Google Merchant Centre, then you’ll need to request it. There are two ways to set up a promotion.

Simple promotions can be created using the promotions tool in Google “PPC In Digital Marketing

Merchant Centre, but if you have a high number of promotions to submit, then you may find it useful to use a promotions feed.

Here are some examples of Merchant Centre promotions that you could try:

Free delivery when you spend over a certain amount.

Free gift with every purchase of a particular product.

A percentage discount off all goods or a specific set of goods with a discount code.

A monetary discount off all goods or a specific set of goods with a discount code.

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