Internet and BusinessesReference and Education

Should kids learn from walls rather than interactive whiteboards?

In the classroom, whiteboard walls are preferred over interactive whiteboards.

Because of this, this article is about full-sized electronic whiteboards (basically a huge tablet that attaches to a classroom or office wall). Not the amazing interactive whiteboard pens that can be bought online and work wonderfully on any whiteboard painted wall. Given that this is a novel way, Originally intended for use in businesses, interactive or electronic whiteboards are now widely used in schools. Many educators dread interactive whiteboards because they are new and unproven teaching tools. Before buying an interactive whiteboard, examine the benefits and drawbacks. This review can assess the usefulness and shortcomings of whiteboards. Students’ attitudes and abilities will deteriorate if an electronic whiteboard or other teaching technology is difficult to use and comprehend.

Students and instructors may utilize the interactive whiteboards from anywhere using computers, phones, or tablets. These adapters link touch-sensitive panels and displays to computers. This implies users may interact with computers using a pen, finger, or another item on the screen. Teachers and students may dislike interactive whiteboards, despite their capacity to help teachers engage students in new and creative ways.

Among the disadvantages of interactive whiteboards are:

Online White Board

Class planning takes hours.

Interactive whiteboards allow for creative teaching methods. Educators must learn to utilize a variety of software applications to successfully plan and prepare lessons for the devices. Many teachers still favor textbooks, whiteboards, and other classroom materials.

Insufficient training might cause issues.

Teachers who haven’t been appropriately trained in using electronic whiteboards may struggle. Those who are unhappy with their work may not use the tools fully. Teachers might lose confidence if they are embarrassed while using the equipment. Students must have trust in their teacher’s talents and expertise and must work together calmly and respectfully. The teacher’s apparent inability to use an interactive whiteboard may negatively affect student learning.

Student Size Limits

Its height can be a problem for pupils of all ages, especially youngsters and the elderly. Teachers can support students using stools and ladders, although a fall from one could cause injury. Teachers can lower the electronic board’s level, although this may diminish the apparent area for activities. The interactive whiteboard may be difficult to view for students near the back of the class. Because interactive whiteboards are smaller than chalkboards or whiteboard walls, teachers cannot post long-term projects or homework assignments.

Lighting and display issues have been raised.

An interactive whiteboard requires optimal illumination to function effectively. Whiteboards must be shaded and strategically positioned in the classroom or meeting space to be seen in direct sunlight. A whiteboard or whiteboard wall with smaller fonts and artwork may be difficult to read. If the computer’s battery dies or the power goes out, teachers lose access to the information. A broken interactive whiteboard panel also makes it difficult for viewers to understand what is being shown. Many universities cannot afford to acquire the boards due to high repair or replacement costs.

Remote students are a pain.

Several scholars have observed that interactive whiteboards allow students to submit data remotely using laptop computers. Surprisingly, this method often results in confusing signals, on-screen garbage, and a plethora of input data. Students using remote access to produce nasty or irrelevant drawings or remarks may cause disruptions and lost instructional time.

Buying, installing, training, and maintaining a system is too expensive.

The initial expense of employing interactive whiteboards is obviously a disadvantage, ranging from $1,500 to $6,500 or more per whiteboard. UnreMARKable Clear Whiteboard Paint Kits cost around $315.00, whereas regular whiteboards range from $25 to $600.00.

To get the most out of an electronic whiteboard, you’ll need to invest on pricey add-ons, install them, and educate staff. Incorrect or poor usage of electronic whiteboards renders them 

worthless. Modifying interactive whiteboards to enhance their value adds to the equipment’s cost

Troubleshooting, technical support, and maintenance costs may quickly mount, especially with complex interactive whiteboards. It’s not just schools that are feeling the expense of interactive whiteboards.

Eye Negative Effects

Students’ vision might be affected by staring at interactive whiteboards in dim light for too long. Medical expenses incurred by a student or employee will surely increase the school or business’s costs.

But Touch-Sensitive Features have a flaw.

Touch-sensitive interactive whiteboards may not reply quickly enough to relay information. Problems with lesson preparation and student learning may be exceedingly inconvenient for users like classroom teachers.

Statistic Errors

Multi-user interactive whiteboards allow users to enter data simultaneously from anywhere. Data corruption or confusion from many input devices might soon negate this benefit. Due to the possibility of great degrees of complexity, the information offered here may prove useless over time.

new teachers

Many senior instructors are skeptical about using interactive whiteboards in the classroom. These instruments, they claim, require them to adapt their teaching approaches. These teachers must not only grasp their devices’ capabilities but also integrate them into their courses. Many senior professors are reluctant to contribute time and attention to this project.


While interactive whiteboards have become cutting-edge in recent years, they nevertheless have limitations in the classroom and in information exchanges. As a result, prospective buyers of interactive whiteboards for schools or companies should do their studies. Whiteboard-painted walls are significantly more cost-effective and environmentally friendly.


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