
Add Friend Button Not Showing on Facebook?

Facebook Add Friend Button

Do you want to add someone as your friend on Facebook and are not able to do so because the ‘Add Friend’ button is not there? I am sure that it can be very frustrating because then, you can’t even chat with them. This issue is very annoying and this is why here we are to save the day. This complete guide of ours is dedicated to this issue and we are going to tell you some simple fixes that will help you in fixing the no friend request button on facebook.

What is the reason behind the ‘Add Friend’ button not showing?

The main reason why this issue is not showing in your Facebook account is that the user has probably restricted the privacy settings of their account. And if this is not the case then, you will face this issue if the user has marked your account as a Spam account.

Facebook has given high importance to the privacy of its users and hence, every Facebook account owner can control the privacy settings of their account. The privacy account of the application has several sections like who can see you on Facebook or who can find you on the application. People often deny strangers permission from sending friend requests to your account. Other than that there can be many other reasons why you are can t add friends on facebook.

How can you Fix the ‘Add friend button’ disappearing on Facebook

Now, you know the reasons why you are not able to see the Add Friend button on YouTube but you should not worry as we are now going to tell you the correct methods that you can use to fix this issue in your Facebook account.

Now, there is one thing that you need to understand before you try any method or think that this is some bug on Facebook. You need to understand that when you are thinking that why I can t add friends on facebook is because someone this feature is there to prevent spammers or hackers from abusing the privacy of Facebook account owners. There are not too many options that you can try in this scenario.

  • Add Mutual Friends

The first thing that you can try when you can’t use the Add friend button is to add someone from the person’s friends list as your Facebook friends. But, remember that this method will only help you if the privacy settings of that person are set to ‘friends of Friends’. You need to make sure that the friends from that person’s list accept your Friend request.

Once this person accepts your friend request then, you will show as a mutual friend in the list of the person to that you are sending the friend request.

If this method is not working for you and you are still wondering why is there no add friend button on some facebook profiles then, you cannot do anything other than wait for some days and let Facebook do the job.

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