10 Things You Didn’t Know About Social Media Marketing
Top Surprising Facts About Social Media Marketing
Marketing on social media has become an increasingly popular way to promote your business in recent years, but there are still many people who don’t know about the many benefits of social media marketing. Here are 10 surprising facts about Best Social Media Marketing Agency In Surat that you may not have known before that can help you and your business succeed in the future.
1 in 2 social media users follow brands
This stat might seem obvious, but a lot of people underestimate how much time is spent following brands on social media sites. According to recent research from BIA/Kelsey, consumers spend an average of 28 minutes per day across various social channels interacting with brands, making it more important than ever for marketers to focus their efforts where their customers are. One way to increase your engagement is through Facebook ads; however, creating a successful campaign can be tricky and you should always test different ad versions against each other in order to determine which one will drive your desired business outcome (like brand awareness or conversion). This also gives you an opportunity to optimize your ad copy to target exactly who you want and generate high quality leads.
3 out of 4 people use social media while shopping
The average consumer spends an hour each day on social media, and more than half of that time is spent shopping. If you’re looking to make sales through your social media channels, it’s vital that you engage with users in their natural environment. Consider using Facebook Ads or other pay-per-click options so you can reach potential customers on their favorite platforms.
80% of social media users trust recommendations from friends and family
If you’re trying to promote a product or service, consider using social media to make your campaign more effective. The platforms are easy to set up and can be used with low-cost PPC advertising. You can also try driving sales through Facebook Ads or LinkedIn advertising. According to statistics from eMarketer, 80% of people trust recommendations from friends and family over any other source of marketing—so there’s no time like now to reach out for help!
33% of consumers would be likely to pay for a product if it came with a free coupon from their favorite brand’s page on Facebook
Consumers say they’re willing to spend $6.17 on an average online purchase if it came with a free coupon from their favorite brand’s page on Facebook. That’s almost three times more than consumers say they’re willing to spend for an item that comes with a free coupon, at $2.57 per purchase. So, clearly there is value in offering something of value for free – but you have to make sure that those items are actually attractive enough for people to want them!
92% of active Instagram users follow brands
If you’re looking to build brand awareness and customer loyalty, Instagram is a solid way to do it. For example, best PPC ads agency in surat found that 92% of active Instagram users follow brands on Instagram. It’s also a visual medium, which makes it easier for people to digest information. And since there are more than 300 million active monthly users on Instagram—and around 40% of US small businesses have an account—it’s time to pay attention.
94% of consumers are more likely to purchase products from trusted sources
While you can’t control how trustworthy your social media followers. you can display a trusted sign to show that you’re legit. This is exactly what using a PPC service does. Why? Because it shows Google (and Facebook and Twitter) that your business exists. It’s worth their time to include your ads in their daily feed. When done correctly, social media PPC marketing campaigns help boost trust in your brand. As well as increase sales! Here are ten ways in which these types of campaigns do just that.
62% of employees admit to checking their work email on vacation
According to a survey by Intel, 62% of employees admit to checking their work email on vacation. With more than 3 billion people on Facebook, why do you think that number is so high? It’s because we love our social media and it’s an addiction we can’t seem to shake. But it not just social media; many companies are using PPC marketing as a way to keep in touch with customers and build brand loyalty. If your company uses PPC marketing, here are some surprising facts about how it works
50% of young adults prefer getting paid in gift cards instead of cash
Almost half of consumers aged 18-34 say they’d rather get a gift card than cash for their birthday, or any other holiday or occasion. While it may seem like we’re getting lazier and lazier as a society. There’s actually some real insight to be gleaned from younger consumers. love of gift cards. Here are our top five insights
The average Facebook user spends around 41 minutes per day on the platform
While PPC marketing does make up a large chunk of advertising on social media. it’s not quite as simple as taking an ad and dumping it on your page. You have to figure out what kind of content will get people to engage with you and—just as importantly—what’s working best for other companies using PPC. Start by looking at what kind of posts are getting engagement. If you’re seeing more shares than likes, then consider posting more often or repurposing your ads into posts. If likes are high but clicks are low, then consider writing more persuasive copy that encourages people to take action when they see it. The most important thing is to start learning now so that you can leverage all that knowledge in 2022!
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